A powerful resource for grief ministry
“We decided to host Surviving the Holidays because of the great need of so many to find hope. It was an incredible outreach.”
Melodie, GriefShare leader
What is Surviving the Holidays?
2-hour supportive holiday event
For people who’ve lost a loved one, the Thanksgiving and Christmas season can be bleak. This lay-led event offers coping tools and support for grieving congregation members and people in your community.
New! 2023 edition with timely insights
Easy for lay leaders to host
35-minute video seminar
Counsel from trusted Christian experts
Can be offered in person or online
Leader’s guide and coaching support
What to expect
Give people the tools they need
Help them navigate the pain
The holidays present unique challenges for people who are grieving. With Surviving the Holidays, you can provide support, understanding, and the tools to navigate through it.
“Should I hang his stocking even though he’s not here anymore?”
“I just want to hibernate through this season, but I keep being invited to events.”
“She always decorated the tree. I just can’t bring myself to put one up this year.”
How Surviving the Holidays works
Everything you need to host an event
Expand your outreach
Draws people to the church
Pastors share that people come to Surviving the Holidays who might never set foot in a church otherwise. It’s a way to offer church holiday grief counseling to multiple people—and to build an existing GriefShare ministry.
“People love being validated that the holiday difficulties are not unique to them, that there is a community of people who understand.”
Mel, GriefShare leader
Questions? Learn more.
Call: 800-395-5755; 919-562-2112 (intl.)
Email: info@griefshare.org
Make an appointment: griefshare.org/leaderzone/appointment
Social media: facebook.com/griefshare